Muted colours in a wet and dark autumn

Yesterday I went to spend my alloted 20 minutes talking to the person in charge of my SFI course. It was quite good getting some time to talk to a teacher and ask questions. The work experience I get to do after a few months consists of two full days a week at a place of work – it’s unpaid but does provide you with a reference as well as experience.
I then met up with Cheri and spent a very pleasant day wandering around town, eating nachos and drinking coffee in the city museum.

Today despite the rain I met up with Karin and wandered up through the Botanical Gardens to the wonderful wooded area behind. It’s great for walking and consists of a lake, woods and heather covered heath. The colours were all muted greens, oranges and purples and the mist hung on the hills: making the walk have a sort of refreshing autumnal beauty about it. After the drizzle drenched us we went and sat in the steamy warmth of the greenhouses in the Gardens and munched our picnic.

Yesterday it turns out was Gustav Adolfsdagen (Gustav Adolf’s day). I’m sorry I didn’t celebrate it – partly because he was the king that founded Gothenburg but more importantly because you get to eat a delicious looking cake!

I’m now snuggly tucked up at home watching the darkness descend through my rain smeared windows enjoying fika.

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