Rain in Grenoble

We cycled through the rain – yes rain (if people tell you not to bring waterproof trousers to Grenoble then ignore them) – to the centre of the city. It’s an odd sort of place. There are lots of old buildings which gives it a certain charm, there are plenty of cafes and bars teaming with life, but there is just something a little depressing about the place. Perhaps it was just the rain, or the unnecessary amount of evidence of dogs, or perhaps the groups of people hanging around asking for money – whatever it is the centre doesn’t really have a reputation of a pleasant place to hang out.
We walked around looking out for the museums, the library and the tourist information and ended up at the foot of the central hill on which stands the Bastille. We stood in the rain watching the cable cars transporting the brave upwards. We have resolved to walk up the hill and then down again because then we will feel justified in treating ourselves to coffee and cake in the little English cafe at the foot of the hill – The Bookworm Cafe.
After purchasing baguettes which I promptly dropped on the floor we cycled back to the student residences. The cycle ride from the campus to the centre is primarily along the Isère River which when we came back yesterday had a low mist hanging over it and looked very mysterious and exotic.
Today the sky is a cloudy grey but the tram strike is over so we’re about to embark on a journey to the zone commerciale to see if we can buy K all the things he needs like wooden spoons and red wine.

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